Thank You
We are extremely pleased with the results of our recent Field Day.
Some of the comments
Best programs I ever attended.
Excellent, informative and practical programs.
What I
liked best about the programs was that they came from experience, not something read in a
Never been to a program before where they told you how to do something, and then
showed you on a live animal.
You probably could have handled a bigger crowd, but nobody
could have put a better program together, and on and on.
Do this again, we would like to
participate on a regular basis.
We, the Halliburton's, were well pleased.
Click Image for larger picture.
Program presenters, on left Gerald Fry and Jim Lents on right.
A dozen Texoma CattleWomen turned out in force and served excellent food three days in a row.
Click Image for larger picture.
Pat Grote, Grote Angus, Bennington, Oklahoma and Mason, Texas, Food
Chairman (head cook).
Observers are Laurie And Loren Stinnett, County Line Cattle,
Deepwater, Missouri.
In addition to the many families representing other breeds,
we had twelve British White
families represented with a total of 25 people.
Click image for a larger picture.
Left & center, Nancy Bohaty, Bellwood, Nebraska and Morris Halliburton.
picture, David Marshall, Seagoville, Texas and Morris.
We had 70 head of cattle on display representing ten breeds, an excellent group of very
congenial breeders, all with one purpose, promoting beef. We proved that several breeds
working together can make a greater impact than any one breed on its own. Even though
believe in many different colors, everyone ate the same beef. We made many new
friends and
had a lot of fun.
The exhibitors put lots of miles on their trailers to help make this a success.
breeders ranch is over 100 miles one way, and he made four round trips.
Another came
from over 150 miles and two more from about 100 miles.
Another rushed home from a trip to
their National Junior Breed Show to exhibit their show cattle.
To all the exhibitors,
From left, Bill Stone(Angus), Pat Grote(Angus & Food),
Morris Halliburton, Glen Grote(Angus) and Craig Newsom(Brangus).
Breeds represented and the number of cattle:
Belted Galloway 1
British White
Maine Anjou
Santa Gertrudis 5
Representing our breed, British White, we had American Fullbloods, Purebreds,
Three-Quarter and Half-Blood.
Just one high light was " The strength of British White
Genetics exhibited by a Standard Marked Half Blood
calf that was out of a 7/8 Purebred Cow
and Registered Angus Bull."
A few British White Association highlights;
The Board of Directors set the next Annual Membership Meeting for
September 25, 1999. Call any Board Member for more information.A date for a Show and Sale was set for June 25, 2000 at Avalon Farm,
Field & Alison McConnells place, Glyndon, Minnesota. About twelve
minutes from Fargo, North Dakota. THANK YOU Field & Alison for
taking on this responsibility.We were very happy with the Association Treasurers report given at the Board Meeting.
On June 20, 1998, our bank balance was $87.28, and we had a debt load of $1,015.74.
On June 20, 1999, our bank balance is $3,259.40, and our debt load is $0.00, didnt owe anyone a penny.
THANKS to all of you for helping produce results like this.
Just think what this would be if each of us registered one or two more animals.
For those of you that were able to attend, we say THANKS FOR COMING.
To those that had
other commitments, we wish you could have been here
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