29 September 2005
A nice bred heifer named Kita Belle. She will
mature into an extremely large cow. Listed in the Show & Sale catalog as the sixth heifer
in bred heifers class four. Owned by Bill & Betty Stone, Bells, Texas.
22 September 2005
A really nice profiling heifer. She is listed
in the 2005 Show & Sale catalog as the second heifer in class three of the open heifers.
Owned by Bill & Betty Stone, Bells, Texas.
17 September 2005
This little fellow
comes to you from JWest Cattle Company in East Texas. His sire is Elvis and his dam is Wilma,
he was born on 8/27/05. Just a few days old in the picture.
15 September 2005
Daisy at the Savoy, Texas FFA booster club
show. Picture was taken 9/10/05 just after Daisy & Heather came out of the show ring.
Heather's dad, Butch Pugh is holding the ribbons. Heather & Daisy both did an excellent job
on an extremely hot day. Their next show will be the Texas State Fair at Dallas on October 9,
8 September 2005
One of the things I like to see on a herd
bull prospect is a wide chest floor.
1 September 2005
This bull calf is five months old in picture.
He is a result of natural breeding, sire is a Halliburton Colonel son and dam is a Castleton
Daniel granddaughter.
25 August 2005
This brand new baby is just a few hours old
in the picture and boy was he in a hurry to get to the dinner table. Can't even wait until he
gets all four feet on the ground to grab a teat. Born 8/23/05 during the day and temperature
got up to 102 degrees. This picture was taken about 7:30 Pm so it had cooled down a bit. My
record keeping indicates the calf may be several days early and he only weighs 55 pounds. Heart
girth measurement is a shy 25 inches. Quite a lively little gentleman though.
18 August 2005
This week's picture is from Joe Bigbee,
Ravenna, Texas. Joe will be showing and offering for sale four head of bred 3/4 cows like this
at the BWCAA Show & Sale on October 8, 2005. They are heifers that are nursing their first
calves like the one inset at the top. Joe says he will have the calves weaned off and the cows
in good shape be show day. Don't know about you but I wish my 2 year old first calf heifers
were in as good shape as these right now, especially when nursing a 500 pound calf. And August
in Texas? Joe must be paying the rainmaker?
11 August 2005
Donor cow, B&B 113G. She is a little over
13 years old. We went against the rules and flushed her 4 times in succession, production was
54 embryos in less than 9 months and only 4 on the last flush. Our best flushes were to Popeye
and Woodbastwick Statesman, 18 and 16 embryos. This picture taken 8/10/05, just a few days
after bringing her home from the reproduction center. It doesn't show up very plain in this
picture but her udder is still much better than some of my much younger cows.
4 August 2005
I took this picture while on a pasture tour
on August 1, 2005 so that is it's connection to cattle. Still under construction but is
destined to be a Palace in Paradise, Cool Secluded Home in the country. It is basically all
steel construction, pier & beam when most all homes today are on a concrete slab.
Definitely one of a kind being built from plans only available in the designers head. There are
not ceilings or attic crawl space. The design allows for cooling by self ventilation, it was
hard to believe how much cooler it was inside that outside on a very hot August day. The first
"U" shaped house I was ever in and I fell in love with it. This house is a very easy two hour
"Show & Tell" presentation. A private tour that I am very thankful for having had the
opportunity to take. Really an unforgettable experience.
28 July 2005
The Halliburton herd moving into a fresh
pasture on a cloudy July day. I rather it was raining but still give thanks for a cloudy day in
Texas in July. The recip cows and overmarked animals add additional color to the herd.
21 July 2005
This nice heifer was born just before
Christmas 2004, a nice Christmas present. She is an A.I. calf, only pregnancy out of six A.I.
attempts and we're afraid she may be developing scurs. You can see those bumps on the side of
her head but we have not got her up to feel of them.
14 July 2005
A new baby born on 7/11/05, definitely the
wrong time of year in the hot Texas sun. As you can see most everyone and everything found the
new calf at about the same time. Picture was taken about 7:15 am on morning of 7/11/05 after
calf was born in the night. It is a 3/4 bull. The calf on left is a Huckleberry Finn E.T. bull
calf, his dam was standard to a little under marked and 19+ years old at time we flushed her.
The two on right are half blood heifers out of Holstein Cows.
7 July 2005
One of our youngest E.T. heifer calves and
her recip momma. Sire is Huckleberry Finn and dam is a Randolph Turpin daughter. Calf birth
weight was 70 pounds.
30 June 2005
This picture of my 6+ year old herd bull,
Rito, was taken early in the morning on 29 June 2005. Rito has done a good job for me through
the years.
23 June 2005
A nice 3/4 heifer by Halliburton Explorer and
her dam is half Tuli. This is her second calf and she is doing a great job of feeding the
heifer. Picture was taken late in the afternoon on 6/22/05.
16 June 2005
This week's picture is furnished by Brenda
Buffington from Santa Fe, Texas. The mom is their show heifer named Molly, she has been shown
at the Galveston County, Texas show the past two years by daughter rose. The baby is a
brand new heifer and is Molly's first. The cow was bred by BWCAA member Tracy Lewis, Robstown,
9 June 2005
Just like most babies, a nice resting spot in
the shade within a few feet (inches) of a 10 or 12 foot drop off into a creek. Makes one wonder
how any of them ever survive.