8 May 2008
Latest addition to the Halliburton herd. She
was born on the weekend when we were out of town attending Walter & Nancy Bohaty's sale.
Wonder why they always have that tongue sticking out. I took several pictures of this pose and
all of them were the same.
1 May 2008
removed. We do not want to offend anyone and the breeder that sent picture for me to use as a
POW recently requested one of her pictures be removed from another breederr's website and that
is against my policy to encourage FREE use of any pictures on my website for the purpose of
promoting British White Cattle.
24 April 2008
One of our 2008 born bull calves that is
beginning to exhibit a lot of width, depth of body and muscle in the rear. About one month old
and thinks he wants to be a bull. Picture wasa taken on 4/23/08 about 5:30 pm.
17 April 2008
Four of our 2008 babies all sired by JWest's
W W Doc. This is the second year in a row with nothing substantially overmarked out of Doc and
we have some heavily overmarked cows. This year the bulls and heifers are about balanced, I
guess we are average for a change.
10 April 2008
One of my 2008 born calves. Picture taken
4/7/08 in small pasture right next to our house. They seem to like to hang around close for
some reason, maybe they know where the feed bucket comes from.
3 April 2008
Good Job Girls!
Thanks to Christina's daughters,
Ashley and Hailey for this week's picture. A "Snow Cow", no where better
than Minnesota in April for a project like this. Christina says this is the "Coolest Cow In
Minnesota" made with our "April Fools" snow. The
newborn calf just had to check it out...he knew it wasn't his mama,
as she was watching from a short distance away.
27 March 2008
Spring Time In Minnesota, compliments of
Christina Traeger, Rolling Hills NT Ranch, Avon, Minnesota. Call on her cell phone
320-293-2995, she really has the weatherman under her thumb and playing in the snow just has to
be a requirement with results like this. Christina says they got a couple inches of snow. Using
her measurements kind of makes me wonder how big a six foot Gorilla could be?
20 March 2008
This week's picture is from Carol Diodene,
Southern Cross Cattle, Ocala, Florida. 352-861-8993.
Her second British White Calf, and both were born the same day. Carol says she watched this cow
for hours and then left her by herself for about 10 minutes and when she returned this is what
she found. A well marked heifer calf. The first one born was a nice bull calf. Both calves are
out of cows Carol purchased at Todd Smith's sale in Henderson, Texas. I'm proud to say those
two cows were consigned by Halliburton Farms. The calves are sired by JWest's W.W. Doc, the
second calf for both cows and they are the same sex as their first calves. Their calves last
year were born on 3/11 & 3/30/07. Both cows are less than 40 months old with their second
calf. In my opinion that's what it is all about. Congratulations Carol, we hope you have many
13 March 2008
Another new baby calf at Halliburton Farms
and this picture was taken just twenty four hours after last week's picture. From snow storm to
spring in such a short time but two days after this picture was taken we had six more inches of
snow. March and in Texas, it is supposed to be spring. This calf is sired by our Doc bull and
again this year his calves are coming a few days early and that results in smaller calves at
birth. British White Cattle have so many good traits I believe you and everyone else should be
raising them.
6 March 2008
We had a little spring snowstorm. This
picture was taken about 8:30 am on March 5th. I estimated 5 inches but the weatherman said it
was 6 to 8 inches throughout the area. This young calf thought it was knee deep. The snow was
almost all gone within 24 hours and now you can almost see the green grass growing.
28 February 2008
This new baby was born on 2/19/08 in mid
afternoon. I had a call telling me you have a cow trying to calve, she just now walked over by
the pond and is now laying down. Looks like she is having trouble, you better go check. The cow
in question is a first calf heifer, daughter of popeye. The above picture was taken about 10
minutes after I received the alert. Calf was born and its mother was already licking and
cleaning it up.
21 February 2008
This new baby was
born 2/18/08 and is just a few hours old in the picture. Temperature was in low 70's.
This is a first calf heifer and as you can see she picked a briar patch for the nursery.
The calf is sired by JWest's Tyson, a bull that has 5 stars out of a possible 6 for tenderness
on the GeneStar DNA test. I have had three calves by him in the past week, all out of first
calf heifers and all born unassisted. For more information and semen availability on
Tyson please call Jimmie West at 409-837-2338.
14 February 2008
British White Cattle are very hardy and
easily adapt to all weather extremes. The group above seem perfectly contented and don't even
know the Wind Chill was minus 40. The photographer only sent me two pictures and a feeble
excuse that there would have been more but the camera froze? I probably don't have to
tell you this was February in Minnesota, USA. Please Sue! Next time stay on the job a little
This weeks thanks go to Ted & Sue Seep,
Thistle Hill British Whites, Pequot Lakes, Minnesota.
Visit their new website: http://www.thistlehill.us/
7 February 2008
Part of the Halliburton
Farms herd eating their ration of range cubes on a nice warm February afternoon. Picture was
taken about 2:30 PM on 2/7/08.
31 January 2008
Anice pair of British
White Females that currently call Halliburton Farms home.
24 January 2008
Picture removed. We do not
want to offend anyone and the breeder that sent picture for me to use as a POW recently
requested one of her pictures be removed from another breederr's website and that is against my
policy to encourage FREE use of any pictures on my website for the purpose of promoting British
White Cattle.
17 January 2008
Two of my 2007 born heifers, picture taken
about 3:45 pm on 1/16/07. They are very gentle and curious and trying to check out what I have
in my hands. In fact they tried to lick the camera lens, now that makes quite a mess.
10 January 2008
A nice looking set of cows in Joe Bigbee's
pasture. I took this picture on September 25, 2007. when Joe was at work and he knew I was
coming. Wonder who he borrowed such a nice group of cows from? Good growth on that pasture
too. Thanks Joe, for allowing me to take this picture.
3 January 2008
Colorado and Minnesota, Then &
This week's pictures are from Lenny Pelc in
Colorado (303-622-9351) and Christina Traeger in Minnesota (320-845-2777 or 320-293-2995).
Honest folks, I just received both pictures and neither one gave me a date they were taken. The
"Then & Now" comment is strictly my idea but no way I can be too far off.
27 December 2007
This picture was taken early morning on
12/8/07 in the pens at Halliburton Farms as part of the early arrivals inspected the cattle on
display at our recent BWCAA membership meeting. Our Texas weather folks did us proud as
evidenced by the way folks are dressed. Based on testimonials from many attending this was one
of the best membership meetings we have had. Thanks for such a good meeting goes to the
many members who brought cattle for display. Many of the cattle traveled several hundred miles.
Many thanks folks, we could not have done it without your help.
20 December 2007
Talk about mothering ability!
There really is a nice warm British White baby bedded down out there somewhere. How would you
like to spend your days looking for a new British White calf in this 1200 acre pasture after
it's mom had hid it in a cozy and dry safe place with instructions to stay put?
Thanks to Carl & Barb Taylor from Granada, Colorado for this weeks picture.
Click on this thumbnail for a better view
of the calf.
13 December 2007
This picture was taken at our meeting on
December 8, 2007. Have you ever tried to get everyone to come inside when its time to start a
meeting or get in the food line? In no particular order but some of the folks I recognize in
this group: Bob Barbee, Debbie Ochoa, Sandy Rimsky, Kelly Terrell, Ericka Wiechmann, Jonathan
Wiechman, Gary Herrell, Jan Herrell, Diane Reed, Cindy Sprout, Frank Sprout, Kevin Reed, Sue
Seep, Mike McCraw, Jimmie West and one too hidden for me to recognize.
6 December 2007
T Bone Steaks from a British White Bull that
weighed 850 pounds on the locker plant scales just before slaughter. These steaks were cut one
inch thick and together they weighed 34 1/2 ounces.
29 November 2007
"Please Give Me Something To Eat" These
pictures were taken about 8:00 AM on 11/28/07
22 November 2007
Here's wishing everyone a "Happy
Thanksgiving" and we're hoping you can join us on the 8th of December. That nice looking heifer
calf in the ad is now 7 months old and will be on display.
15 November 2007
Thanks to Harold Robinson from Star City,
Arkansas for this week's picture. This is his Granddaughter's American Fullblood Show Heifer.
She will be on display and For Sale at our December 8th membership meeting at Halliburton
Farms. If you would like to visit with Harold prior to the meeting you can reach him by phone
at 870-628-3779 or 870-370-3984. Harold is also bringing two or three more animals for display
and offering for sale.
8 November 2007
Thanks to Ernie Clare from Australia for this
week' picture's. Look at that green grass, springtime and we're headed into winter. Ernie
is an active member and past President of the British White Cattle Society of
Australia. Owner of this cow/calf pair
is Ernie Clare (Nehlerien BW Stud). Cow "Nehlerien Panzy"
Sired by "Chelmsford Fred", With heifer calf "Nehlerien
Camilla" sired by "Castleton Warwick" Photo's taken: 16th September 2007
1 November 2007
removed. We do not want to offend anyone and the breeder that sent picture for me to use as a
POW recently requested one of her pictures be removed from another breederr's website and that
is against my policy to encourage FREE use of any pictures on my website for the purpose of
promoting British White Cattle.
25 October 2007
Thanks to Jonathan Wiechmann for this week's
picture. Taken a few days ago on Cave Creek Ranch near Shadehill, South Dakota. Looks like
Texas is not the only place that has miles & miles of nothing but miles & miles.
Take a look at that nice road, not sure but I believe it is the main thoroughfare to Ranch
Headquarters. Travel at your own risk twice a year when it rains.
18 October 2007
This week's picture is furnished by Christina
Traeger from Avon, Minnesota with the followning notes.
This is from Jenny, daughter of Kristy Hohn, of SE SD. She
showed this Rolling Hills Traeger Ranch heifer "NT Alaya" at the SD state fair and was
crowned Division champion! The SD state fair is a big fair and outstanding cattle!
She mentioned the judge was quite excited about this heifer, and couldn't say enough good
things about her.