23 October 2003
American Fullblood Bull Calf, 15 days old in picture.
16 October 2003
Upcoming events in our barn. You are invited to attend either or both.
October 30 is the Grayson County Hay Show, Mark Arnold, County Agent. On
November 1, Goats, Sheep, Heifers and Steers will be shown.Sponsored by
Savoy, Texas FFA Chapter, Kevin Dillard, Ag Teacher. Show is open to all
FFA & 4H students. Call Morris Halliburton at 903-965-4509 for more
information on either.
9 October 2003
Fullblood Embryo Heifer. Six months old in picture. Still nursing but
about ready to wean. Best looking one I have had to date, my opinion of
2 October 2003
Jim & Erika Kelly Family
Host family for the 2003 British White Cattle Association Annual
membership meeting. Grass Fed British White Beef was on the lunch menu.
Kellys all, we thank you.
25 September 2003
A good colored FB Bull Calf born 22 Sept 2003, just a few hours old in
18 September 2003
A 4 month old ET American Fullblood heifer calf and her surrogate dam.
Sire is Woodbastwick Randolph Turpin. Half sibs by Huckleberry Finn due
next spring.
11 September 2003
Levi Thetford, Tulsa, Ok, USA and Derek Robinson, UK exchanging notes at
2002 USA British White event in Minnesota. |
4 September 2003
A well marked Red Pointed British White Calf. |
28 August 2003
A really nice standard marked cow. This picture was taken several years
ago and remains one of my favorites today. A goal I'm striving for with my
Fullblood Program is to some day have every cow in my pastured as well
marked as this cow.
21 August 2003
A little older but same calves as last week, note how the pinto is turning
darker and the roan is staying the same.
These calves are half blood British White sired by a Fullblood Chianina
14 August 2003
These calves are half blood British White sired by a Fullblood Chianina
7 August 2003
A new heifer baby by our Rito Bull, 2 weeks old in picture, born 7/16/03. She is "AAA" in
our fullblood program..