23 September 2004
Above picture was taken at Steve Montgomery's during a pasture tour in
connection with our recent Annual BWCAA meeting at Guthrie, Oklahoma.
About a dozen spectators watching while Curt Boles and one of Steve's bull
calves show us how gentle and brave they are. Someone say's, "Curt give
him a kiss." You be the judge! The entire herd was extremely gentle with
many of the cattle standing for visitors petting and scratching them.
Comment heard from someone in the back, "My Herefords are sure not that
16 September 2004
This bull was 5 months old when picture was taken. He qualifies as triple
A in the American Fullblood British White program. I think he may turn out
to be a star.
9 September 2004
An example of a creative way to draw attention to British White Cattle.
Hugh Bell is a BWCAA member in Minnesota.
2 September 2004
Look what I found and it's not even Easter.
26 August 2004
This is a half British White & Half Tuli cow. Her 2nd calf is due this
fall, picture taken 8/24/04.
19 August 2004
Two summer born Embryo Transfer calves with their surrogate moms. Both
claves are by Huckleberry Finn, they are about two weeks old in picture.
12 August 2004
A brand new Embryo Transfer baby staying close to mama.
5 August 2004
What happened here?
Black cows are not supposed to have white calves but this is a natural
born half blood standard marked British White calf with a solid black dam.
British White color genetics are pretty strong.
29 July 2004
My two most recent ET calves, full brother & sister. Both were due on same
day but bull (top) was born 7/21/04 and Heifer (bottom) was born 7/24/04.
The pictures were taken 7/28/04 about 5pm. Both calves are sired by De
Beauvoir Huckleberry Finn. |
22 July 2004
A Rito sired triple A heifer that just turned one year old on July 16,
2004. This picture was taken on July 14, 2004. We think she is just about
the stoutest we have in the pasture. She is big enough now and will soon
be old enough to put with the bull.
15 July 2004
This week's picture furnished by Dan Pogue, Bremen, Indiana.
This is Dan's first British White
calf of 2004. She was born the first week of July. She is out of a
Belted Galloway bull and a British White Cow. Thanks
8 July 2004
A head shot of one of my Embryo Transfer Heifers. Her sire is Woodbastwick
Randolph Turpin and her dam is Halliburton Showgirl 27L. This heifer was
born 14 March 2003, she is making a real nice cow and is bred to calve at
about 24 months of age.